43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday 15 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7 (continued)

In order to get from my prelim to my final product I have done a lot of research into over types of magazines that are the same genre of the one I was making e.g. Kerrang, NME and Q. I also put research into the type of audience that would read the magazine. That ended up being indie, scene and emo stereotypes. The audience research helped me take part in photography research and dress and prop research. It helped me take part in photography research as it told me what type of poses they would have to take in the photo and it helped my dress and prop research as it told what type of clothes they wear and what they use. Finally all of these combined helped me produce my final product after I had some practice with Adobe Photoshop and produced my flat plans of my magazine cover.

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