43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday 15 April 2011

Final Post

Evaluation Question 7 (continued)

In order to get from my prelim to my final product I have done a lot of research into over types of magazines that are the same genre of the one I was making e.g. Kerrang, NME and Q. I also put research into the type of audience that would read the magazine. That ended up being indie, scene and emo stereotypes. The audience research helped me take part in photography research and dress and prop research. It helped me take part in photography research as it told me what type of poses they would have to take in the photo and it helped my dress and prop research as it told what type of clothes they wear and what they use. Finally all of these combined helped me produce my final product after I had some practice with Adobe Photoshop and produced my flat plans of my magazine cover.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7

My prelim is very basic and not a lot of time
or research has been put into it to make it
look good as well as suit the target
As you can see my final product is a lot better than my prelim.
This shows that I have improved a lot since I did my prelim.
Also I have took advantage of various softwares on the computer
and used a proper lighting set up to take and edit my photos

Evaluation Question 6

Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation Question 5

In my magazine I have used similar poses to what you see in professional magazines as you can see in my audience research and my question 4 answer in my evaluation, but on my double-page spread I have tried to vary it up a little bit and more more of an action shot on it. I have also tried to use similar fonts to what professional magazines would use by using a distorted font throughout most of the magazine. Another way I have tried to make my magazine seem more professional is by using a 3 palette colour scheme of red, white and black as I think them colours look good together, they don't clash and they are similar colours to what magazines such as Kerrang and NME would use.   

Evaluation Question 4

I have used the trends shown in this poster I have made to make my magazine appeal to my target audience. I have done it by including band names, a similar style of clothes, my use of props and by making it targeted mainly to males as well as it been made to attract a certain target age range.